SHEHRI was formed in 1988 by a group of concerned citizens to provide fellow citizens with a platformto effectively voice their concerns in determining their future and taking action in arresting the deterioration in their living environment and properly reform and improve the same. Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 as a non-political organisation, SHEHRI is based in the city of Karachi and operates as a pressure group and a conscious raising organisation interfacing with citizens, civic and metropolitan bodies and higher tiers of government. It acts as a catalyst for generating debates and searching for solutions to the urban problems. Donations to SHEHRI are approved under section 47 (1) (d) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979. SHEHRI is supervised by a Management Committee duly elected by SHEHRI members for a term of two years. The membership is open to all who subscribe to its memorandum. It functions in an open, transparent and democratic manner. The organisation is funded by both foreign and local donors. The financial records are audited every year by chartered accountants
and are presented to SHEHRI members. We are aware of the steadily worsening environmental conditions in our cities, towns and villages and degradation of our living spaces. We are convinced that it is only through raising public consciousness and effectively articulating public pressure that the process of wanton neglect and corruption can be arrested and an improvement in
our environment can be brought about. |