(listed reverse chronologically)
APC on Polio develops political consensus; declares polio a national security threat
13 Political Parties Across Pakistan�s Political Spectrum declare Polio a National Emergency; agree on including Polio Eradication as a goal in respective Party Manifestoes
All Parties strongly condemn attacks on Polio Workers Teams; appreciate the dedication and efforts of Polio Workers Teams
Parties declare Religion is not obstructing polio eradication
Parties sign Joint Declaration; pledge to:
Allocate financial and human resources for implementation Polio Eradication strategies
Institute an effective elected Local Government system declaring it vital for polio eradication
National and Provincial Legislators to work in harmony to eradicate Polio: Kundi
Pakistan-Afghanistan Parliamentarians Dialogue Round VII
December 11-12, 2012; Islamabad, Pakistan
Joint Statement |
Afghan MPs call on Prime Minister; kick-off 2-day Dialogue with Pakistan MPs
| Pak-Afghan Parliamentarians Dialogue-VII
December 11, 2012 Islamabad
Delimitation in Karachi
Pakistan-Afghanistan Parliamentary Friendship Group in association with PILDAT to jointly hold 7th Pakistan-Afghanistan Parliamentarians Dialogue: December 11-12; Islamabad
| Pak-Afghan Joint Workshop
December 07, 2012 Islamabad
Continuity of Democratic Process a Positive Sign; Governance Failure a Major Concern: PILDAT Workshop
| PILDAT National Workshop
December 06, 2012 Islamabad
Institutional Balance and Counter-Terrorism Narrative Needed
Government�s Proposed Amendments to Anti-Terrorism Law far from Comprehensive: PILDAT
First-Ever Youth Provincial Assembly-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Invites Expressions of Interest from the Youth of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
| Youth Provincial Assembly-KP
November 20, 2012 Islamabad
Let us fight together against Poverty and Hunger; Let us not fight among ourselves in Pakistan and India

| Chief Minister Bihar Visit to Pakistan
November 16, 2012 Islamabad
Peace and Friendship for Good Governance
By Ahmed Bilal Mehboob * |
PILDAT terms ECP�s Draft Code of Conduct largely Vague and Superfluous; Political Parties should initiate a Voluntary Code of Conduct over and above Electoral Laws; real test will be in its enforcement
Youth Parliament Pakistan Invites Expressions of Interest for its 5th Batch 2013
| YPP 2013 EOI Submission
November 07, 2012 Islamabad
Pakistan needs an effective legislation to tackle terrorism in the country
PILDAT releases legislative Analysis of NAC 2012
New proposed Accountability Law weaker than the present law: PILDAT
- Compared to NAO 1999, the draft NAC 2012 aims to shrink the space of accountability
- Political Consensus needed for an effective Accountability Law
- The NAC 2012 DOES NOT provide for an investigation and prosecution agency impervious to political influence
- Sustainability of Democracy in Pakistan closely and directly related to the existence of an independent Accountability mechanism
Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
Quarterly Monitor: July 11 � October 10, 2012 |
Legislation should be the prime responsibility of the public representatives
| PILDAT Forum
September 28, 2012 Lahore
Democracy Assessment Group Reviews Indigenous Framework to Evaluate Quality of Democracy in Pakistan
| DAG Meeting
September 25, 2012 Islamabad
Political Parties should establish policy think tanks: PILDAT Forum
PILDAT calls for early introduction of Anti-terrorism Bill in Parliament
September 14, 2012 Islamabad
PILDAT Dialogue Group on Civil-Military Relations calls for:
- Early introduction and passage of stringent anti-terrorism laws
- Government must disclose the reasons for presence and TORs of UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances in Pakistan
| CMR Dialogue Group Meeting
September 11, 2012 Islamabad
Democracy Monitor: Monthly Update - August 2012
| Democracy Monitor
September 07, 2012 Islamabad
MPAs should have a role in framing Punjab Government Rules of Business
PILDAT Briefing Session for Punjab MPAs on Understanding Punjab Government Rules of Business |
Pakistan India Parliamentary interactions go beyond Federal to State Levels
India-Pakistan Parliamentarians Dialogue-IV concludes in New Delhi
Parliamentarians call for early liberalisation of visa regime between Pakistan and India
Parliamentary Dialogues contribute to strengthening the Pak-India Relationship: Speaker Lok Sabha Ms. Meira Kumar
4th Round of India-Pakistan Parliamentarians Dialogue begins in New Delhi |
PILDAT releases 3rd Quarterly Citizens Monitoring Report on State of Electoral Reforms in Pakistan
Democracy Monitor
Quarterly Update | May 01 - August 06, 2012 |
| PILDAT Democracy Monitor
August 08, 2012 Islamabad
CGEP Delegation visits ECP; interacts with Secretary and Members of the ECP
| CGEP Visit to EC
August 01, 2012 Islamabad
CGEP announces Unfinished Agenda of Electoral Reforms; presents proposals to the CEC
PILDAT marks the 2nd Anniversary of Youth Parliament Pakistan�s Martyrs with a Memorial Booklet
ECP directives only partly enforced in NA-151: PILDAT Citizens Group
- ECP enforcement staff not fully aware of election spending law
- Violations of ECP code witnessed in banners, hoardings and wall-chalking
- Leading candidates apprehensive about applicability of new ECP directives and neutrality of administration
| CGEP Fact Finding Mission
July 18, 2012 Multan
PILDAT Quarterly Monitor on Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan: April 1 - July 10, 2012
Parliament must retain Constitutional provision disqualifying foreign/dual nationals for contesting Election: PILDAT
Senior Pakistan Delegation holds interactions on National Security in London
| PILDAT Delegation Visit to UK
July 08, 2012 Islamabad
Citizens� Forum Demands Effective Role for the Committees in the Budget Process
Civil-Military cohesion vital to improve Pak-US relations as a critical new internal political phase commences
| DGCMR Meeting
June 27, 2012 Islamabad
Education and Health Committees of the Punjab Assembly review Departmental Budgets 2012-2013; demand rules to be amended to allow for budget scrutiny by Standing Committees
Parliament urged to give Committees a role in effective Budget Scrutiny
Dialogue Group on Civil-Military Relations meets in Islamabad
| DGCMR Meeting
May 15, 2012 Islamabad
Developments impacting the Quality of Democracy: January-April 2012
| Democracy Update
May 07, 2012 Islamabad
Concerns expressed about quality of Electoral Rolls and slow pace of electoral reforms
Citizens Group calls for Urgent Actions to Prepare for Fair Elections
| CGEP Group
April 25, 2012 Islamabad
PILDAT�s Democracy Assessment Group recommends 5 Key Measures to resolve Karachi�s unrest
| Democracy Assessment Group
April 25, 2012 Islamabad
PILDAT�s Democracy Assessment Group recommends 13 Priority Actions to improve the Balochistan Situation
Public Service Delivery Important to Improve Quality of Democracy
PILDAT Quarterly Monitor on Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan:
January � March 2012
Democratic and Parliamentary Oversight of Defence has begun, but a long way to go
| Public Forum
March 21, 2012 Islamabad
National Workshop on Assessment of the Quality of Democracy in Pakistan
Free and Fair Election in Balochistan is the Way Forward: PILDAT Forum on Balochistan
Standing Committees of the Punjab Assembly should be given a Role in Budget Process
PILDAT Welcomes the ECP/NADRA initiative of SMS facility for Verifying Voter Registration
PILDAT deeply concerned over the Election Commission�s failure to check violence and reported irregularities in the By-Elections
Youth should take part in decision making process at the National Level: Inaugural Session of the 4th Youth Parliament
| Youth Parliament Pakistan
February 23, 2012 Islamabad
�Issue of Federal legislation on Industrial Relations Laws will be sorted out before lapse of Industrial Relation Ordinance 2011:� Kaira
PILDAT welcomes Govt-Opposition �Consensus� on appointment of Neutral Caretaker Governments in 20th Amendment to the Constitution
Fourth Youth Parliament Pakistan Meets for its Inaugural Session
| Youth Parliament Pakistan
February 20, 2012 Islamabad
Dialogue and development is the key to solve Balochistan�s issues, Participants say
PILDAT welcomes Govt-Opposition negotiations on appointment of Neutral Caretaker Governments
Punjab Assembly Standing Committee on Education holds Pre-Budget Public Consultation on How to Ensure Effective Spending on Education: Ideas for the Budget 2012-2013
�Immediate Electoral Reforms is a need of Time,� says CGEP in a Public Forum on the State of Electoral Reforms in Pakistan
Committees Role a must in Budget Process, demand Punjab MPAs
?- Punjab Assembly Standing Committees discuss how to effectively review budget demands for grants
- Block allocations, dormant committees and supplementary budget run counter to democratic norm
| Workshop
February 06, 2012 Lahore
Despite everything, Democracy moves forward, participants say
Democratic Oversight of Defence remains fraught with Challenges: Experts
PILDAT Issues First Monitoring Report on Implementation of Electoral Reforms
- A full-time permanent Election Commission constituted for the first time in the history of Pakistan
- For the first time, 4 members of the ECP appointed after bi-partisan consensus
- ECP took landmark steps for free and fair elections
- Only 48% of Election Commission�s 5-Year Strategic Plan implemented
- Preparation of Computerised Electoral Rolls is only 75 % complete despite the expiry of the original deadline of December 31, 2011
- Of the 76 objectives which ECP was set to achieve by end of 2011, only 6 have been completely realized
January 30, 2012 Islamabad
Download Report [PDF]
Download Urdu Version [PDF]
PILDAT files Petition in Supreme Court to ensure �Neutral� Caretaker Governments during the next General Election
Democracy makes Progress despite Challenges: DAG
Prime Minister receives Indian Parliamentary Delegation; says this Parliamentary Dialogue will improve Relations
Pak-India MPs engage on Trade and Economic Relations; agree MPs have cardinal role to play in influencing Governments